Pronunciation: 'pash & n (n) from Latin pati to suffer –1: the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death –2: the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces; –3: the emotions as distinguished from reason –4: intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction –5: an outbreak of anger; ardent affection –6: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept –7: an object of desire or deep interest.
Just recently, I have been thinking about the effect of passionate feelings on our lives and the way we live them out. We can be passionate about anything we choose, and sometimes we will throw our every waking moment into pursuing it.
Recently I went with my family to an AFL game at Telstra Dome in
Back to the game though. We were surrounded by a continual out pouring of passion throughout the game. There were some there that I thought were going to have a coronary or such like in the way they reacted to the umpiring decisions or opposing teams players. Then there was one man who got up from his seat and ran down the concourse to give the umpires a real serve when he didn’t agree with their decision.
I, not having any particular care on who won the match, sat back, watched and wondered. “What difference would it make to the church today (as we know it) if we were as passionate for the Lord’s team if we followed the Christian life as passionately as the AFL team supporters do, or whatever sporting team or interests that you follow.
It is not just football fans who follow their interest so intently – there are those who are passionate about their hobbies, their craft, their car, their garden, their fishing, their music, etc. and many of us put a great deal of effort into having the necessary tools and items needed to follow our passion.
So where is this going? No, its not an excuse to talk about football but a way to look at how we respond to our passions, and line up how passionate we may be about the Lord and His impact on our lives.
To be the person Christ called us to be, we need to be passionate about Christ and the difference He has made in our life, and therefore show and tell it to the world. It is easy for us to be closet Christians because then we don't have to stand out and wear our team colours. We can just go along with the crowd or we can be passionate about the team – that we are not just supporters but members, and we need to Stand Up for Christ in all we do, say and act as it is the mission we have in life.
Christ stood up for us and was willing to go all the way to the Cross for us. How much then do we owe to Him for what He has done for us.
Let’s nail our colours to the Cross and really Follow Him.
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