I sit here and contemplate 2007. It has gone along with its joys and sorrows. The memories remain but the year is spent.
While watching the New Year Celebrations in Sydney on the Television, I thought about the difference a second makes. It changed from 2007 into 2008. I watched people party and make resolutions for their lives in 2008. Many made these resolutions that they knew they wouldn’t keep. They thought about the changes they may have to make to in their lives from what they are at present.
Most of us are driven to set goals for ourselves. We want to improve. We know in our hearts that we should improve. Thinking back to Christmas, we know we have eaten too much Christmas fare, so we think a diet is the way to go. Or there’s an ambition that we want to achieve so why not now. Unfortunately, we often set goals so lofty that we are set up for failure before we begin.
One lady’s list showed the changes she would like to make in her life, and goes like this:
During 2008, I would like to...
- Not take myself so seriously
- Find some time each day to laugh
- Plan time to learn new things
- Journal more often about the blessings I have received
- Look at myself in the mirror everyday and say, “You’re okay”
- Tell more people more often that I appreciate what they do for me
- Throw or give away things I haven’t used in the past year
- Exercise more regularly
- Eat more vegetables and fruits because this helps me to be more healthy and I refuse to go on a diet and forget the chocolate, though it is vegetable!!!
- Plant some flowers in my backyard
So as we have seen one month of the New Year of 2008, how can we make a difference in the world in which we live?
With God’s help we can achieve much in our lives before Him if we ensure we put His will and way for us first in our lives. God makes all things new and it is He who gives our life meaning and purpose.
Perhaps as 2008 unfolds, let’s make a New Year’s Resolution to:
- Not only know who God is but BE the person that He calls us to be.
- Thank God daily for the blessings He gives us.
- Encourage the people around you - family, work colleagues and Church family. Encouragement
is a very special gift that costs us nothing but when given enables people to go that bit further in the work for the Lord. - Take time out and be refreshed in Him to know Him more, and above all listen to Him and His will for us in 2008.
- Be the change in your church/home/area/workplace that will make an effect for God that’s everlasting.
- Appreciate those around you for who they are.
- Be prepared to go when He calls and do things you can hear Him prompt you to do.
Let’s allow Him to RENEW us in 2008!