26 June 2007

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the web chick

12 June 2007

Warm Fuzzies

What are “warm fuzzies?”

They are “imparting, promoting, or preserving warm feelings; to feel or cause to feel with kindly feelings!”
This is the theme I chose for the June edition of WiseLink. With winter starting on June 1st, I thought about the warm fuzzies that we all crave when the cold starts to bite. Where we live, it can get very cold!
So preparations have commenced to be ready when the cold weather bites. I have tried out some new soup recipes, which have been very yummy. Checked out the winter woollies and made sure they haven’t shrunk in the cupboard during summer. We have made sure that we have plenty of firewood so the house is kept warm.

Then my mind wandered back to my childhood and what we got up to when winter came. With the nights closing in quickly, it meant that we couldn’t spend the time outside after school that we enjoyed doing. There were the puddles of water after a rain that we played in and got wet on the way home from school. Mum pegged the clothes on the verandah line because they wouldn’t dry out in the rain. Netball games were played in the wet. Indoor games were played when it was too cold and wet to go outside. Other memories are the frost on the lawn, the home-made pasty slice and the casseroles that Mum made for us during winter.

These are my warm fuzzies - they bring back wonderful memories or bring comfort when things around are looking quite dreary.

When I worked in a care giving agency in Queensland, we knew that when the day was wet, cold and cloudy, our number of contacts would increase quite markedly.

So it is quite often in our Christian life.

When all is going well, we don’t stop to think about times past, but live for the “Now”. When things start going wrong, we go into a winter of our soul. We start to think of God and how He might take away the hurts and strain and stress, and make things run smoothly and happily again.

What we need is to remember that no matter what season we are in our lives, God is there with us. He never leaves us on our own but walks beside us always.

“Take my hand precious Lord,
Lift me up, don’t let me fall”

These are words to a song that we sang with our son when He was growing up, especially when he was sad. It still comes back to me when I am feeling down, reminding me that God is with me, wanting to give me the warm fuzzies. He takes us through hard times to help us help others and to teach us to rely completely on Him.

9 June 2007

Wise Link June 2007

The June Edition of WISELink is now available online.